The core muscles serve as an important link between the muscles of the upper and lower body. By stabilizing the spine and pelvis, they create a solid base of support for movement of the arms or legs. Activities that involve lifting, bending, twisting or standing all benefit from having a strong core. To understand just how vital strong core muscles are, it helps to know exactly what makes up your core. Many people think the core is your abdominal muscles but that’s not completely true. Your core includes the abdominal muscles, and it also includes the many muscles that move the hips and back.

Some of the benefits to having a strong core include:

Prevention of pain and injury. Core strength is one of the best ways to prevent low back pain. During activities such as lifting or bending over, a stable spine is more resistant to injury.

Improved sports performance. Almost any sports activity can be enhanced by having a strong core. Hitting a golf ball, swinging a tennis racket, or running a race all rely on having a strong core.

Improved Posture. A strong core is important for good posture because the core muscles help keep the spine straight and the body stable. Weak core muscles can lead to poor posture, low back pain, and an increased risk of falls.

To strengthen your core, incorporate exercises such as planks, crunches, and glute bridges into your fitness routine. Don’t let a weak core hold you back!

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